
Quick and easy setup

Setting up JsonMapper for your project is simple. JsonMapper comes with a factory that offers three methods to create a JsonMapper instance.


// Simply use `default` which offers the most light weigth JsonMapper
$default = (new \JsonMapper\JsonMapperFactory())->default();

// Use the `bestFit` to get the JsonMapper that fits best 
// to your PHP runtime version.  
$bestfit = (new \JsonMapper\JsonMapperFactory())->bestFit();

// Use `create` to build a new instance with a custom 
// property mapper and series of middleware
$custom = (new \JsonMapper\JsonMapperFactory())->create(
  new PropertyMapper, 
  new \JsonMapper\Middleware\DocBlockAnnotations(),   

Tailored setup

Since version 2.3.0 JsonMapper offers a JsonMapperBuilder class which can be used to have a more tailored setup of your mapper instance. In version 2.10.0 the PropertyMapperBuilder was introduced. Below you can find an example that shows how to can create a JsonMapper instance using the builder.


$propertyMapperBuilder = PropertyMapperBuilder::create()
    ->withScalarCaster(new StrictScalarCaster());
$jsonMapperBuilder = JsonMapperBuilder::create()
    ->withProperyMapper(new PropertyMapper)
    ->withDefaultCache(new ArrayCache)

$mapper = $jsonMapperBuilder->build();